JOIN other Christian Health Coaches in the HUB and

Become a sought-after Health Coach FAST & profitably!

Get LIVE Coaching, Relevant Biz Training, Peer Support, Templates, and Tools
PLUS 24hr virtual support for Only $7/MONTH!

Most business mentors in our field charge anywhere from $97 to $497 per month for this kind of value. But, I decided to create one every faith-based Coach could afford for just $7 a month!

Just $7/month – cancel anytime

Here is what you’ve been told to do to build a successful Health Coaching Business…

Post EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. on social media

Send spammy messages in your Facebook friends’ inboxes

Try every marketing tactic you can think of until one works

“Niche down” into a specialty when you might not even know what that is yet

Take course after course after course (or just buy them and wish you finished them!)

Learn every program available online to build your biz

But, seriously it’s mentally exhausting, isn’t it?

When are you actually going to find a steady stream of clients and make a REAL income doing this?
(And feel good about how you’re doing it at the same time!)

You actually look forward to working your business everyday

You’re in your brilliance zone and in a role you love (and it shows!)

You attract clients in a natural flow, and it’s SO peaceful

Your clients are reporting REAL results with exciting transformation, and it’s catching

You make sales in an automated way, reducing the “feast or famine” cycle

You’re working towards YOUR dreams and goals, with God leading the way

You’re making sister-friends who become more than just peers + colleagues

Your task and time management is improving and your personal growth is skyrocketing

Let me show you that it IS possible

Hi, my friend! I’m Coach Bess…

And, I’ll be honest with you:

Getting to this point wasn’t easy

When I started out as a new Christian Health Coach in January 2011, I was eager to serve others in healthy living methods and build a business that would replace my J.O.B. at the time.

(I was so unhappy leaving my house and kids everyday and my creativity was stifled in my day job!)

But then…

Over the ups and downs (too many downs!) I realized I was in a hamster wheel of biz-building “best guesses” and that so many methods I tried weren’t working to keep income flowing month after month.

(It also doesn’t help that I’m NOT naturally money motivated!)

So, I tried…


Following every piece of advice out there from the “gurus” until my head spun


Pouring $$$ into methods and strategies that don’t align with my values


Exerting hours and hours of effort that began to feel repetitive with very little results

And that’s when it hit me!

As a Christian Health Coach, this business is a Spirit-led venture and God’s already given me everything I need to do this.

I needed to follow my own intuition and build this business authentically to me!

And this time, I finally started to see the results I’d been working so long for:


Happy Clients finding realistic, lasting results from our work together


Regular, monthly income to pay the bills and generate profit for my family


I was working from a centered, confident place – and it showed!



I’m now building a business for my life, with a deep satisfaction that my activity and growth aligns with my faith + values. I get to be a mom and wife first and a successful Christian Coach next!

And over the last few years, I’ve duplicated my tested business-building method and produced a program my health coach clients rave about in their own businesses! 

THEY now live their lives aligned with their values, too! And just like I found, they are also increasing their own happy client base, earning more income, and finding it an easily manageable way to do business!

So how does it work exactly?

Find Out in the…

Christian Health Coach HUB

Leverage your passion for faith-centered healthy living and turn your dream of a profitable online business into reality!

Just $7/month – cancel anytime


When You Join the Christian Health Coach HUB

You get everything you need to QUICKLY build a PROFITABLE Health Coach business online and REACH MORE PEOPLE with your unique message!

Training Modules

9 Bite-Sized Core Training Modules



short actionable training videos

Providing step-by-step business growth strategies


Printable Workbooks

Leads you through the steps to your successful business


Current Ongoing Releases

New monthly on demand topic workshops answering your questions

Tools + Resources

Worksheets, Checklists, Forms, Templates & More

What You’ll Get:


Worksheets & Checklists

Simplify your workflow & stay on track


Editable Templates

Personalize in Canva easily with included tutorials


Spreadsheets & Tools

Track, project, and keep things straight

LIVE Support

The Help You Need When You Need It

How We’ll Help:


24/7 Access to Coach Bess & Team

Members-Only forum on Facebook


Monthly Q&A + LIVES

Get your questions answered & be supported


Peer Support & Input

Encouragement & feedback from HUB coaches

Just $7/month – cancel anytime

Get instant access to




“I’ve already bought so many things that didn’t help me, so why do I need the Christian Health Coach HUB?”


This is nothing like the things you’ve bought before

This will help you to flip the switch from stuck and struggling to stability and success

This will allow you to get the accountability, practice, and feedback to become an even better health coach (in your niche) who serves authentically and in alignment with your values

This doesn’t only give you theory and knowledge, it also gives you done-for you templates, spreadsheets, and checklists that you can use INSTANTLY in your business

You aren’t in this alone anymore. Be part of a supportive community of amazing, genuine people that are on the same journey

There is no risk (you can cancel at anytime)

This costs less than a couple cups of coffee at Starbucks but, unlike coffee, this has the potential to change your whole life by taking you from struggling month after month and with too little income, to abundance in your business and life

Today’s Price = Only $7

Just $7/month – cancel anytime


The Christian Health Coach HUB Membership is for two specific people…

New Coach

(or new-ish) health coach who wants to start gaining clients and building a biz foundation, but doesn’t know where to start or which method to follow.

Established Coach

who feels stuck and overwhelmed and wants to shift from the “feast or famine” income cycle to a full practice of happy clients and regular income.

Today’s Price = Only $7

Just $7/month – cancel anytime

I am so convinced of the methods and tools shared in this HUB because they helped me to completely change the way I do business, creating financial stability and a more peaceful life as I build my business!


Just ask the 200+ other Christian health coaches I’ve mentored over the years!

What Our Members Say…

I have a question for you…

What if I can help you get just one more coaching client this month?

I love celebrating our coach’s wins…

But, I also love that you can fund a whole year of the HUB by selling just one more coaching hour this month!

Do you think that the help found inside the HUB can help you get just one more client?
(Hint: I believe it will!) 

Just $7/month – cancel anytime

Join the Christian Health Coach HUB!

You don’t need to struggle anymore or buy into the next expensive course to become a successful health coach with a stable business income!

With our portal full of bite-sized training, tangible business aides, and a community full of warm + supportive peers, you will experience a turnaround in your business and be serving your next ideal client in no time!

Just $7/month – cancel anytime

What I share with you in this HUB works, I’m convinced!
Because the methods and tools I give you here turned my own business around a few years ago…PLUS has helped hundreds of other coaches succeed
and I want the same for YOU!


Go from chasing the next big idea from someone else

to experiencing your own God-given vision come to fruition!

Stop trying every piece of guru advice out there that is unaligned with your calling, feels “off” to your spirit, immediately causes anxiety, confuses your direction, or brings immediate overwhelm and instead


Follow God’s UNIQUE vision for YOU, authentically and fully!


Stop struggling alone

 Get support, feedback, accountability, networking, partnership, and other opportunities in our amazing members-only community!

Just $7/month – cancel anytime

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q: I’m a new health coach on the scene and just getting started. Will this still work for me?

A: Yes, this works especially well for new health coaches. You’ll feel on-track with clear-cut activity, instead of overwhelmed with too many unproven methods!

Q: I don’t have my certification or training to even BE A COACH yet. Will this still work for me?

A: Yes, it’s still a GREAT place to start, as we have an entire curriculum for those still in the “curious about coaching” phase! Then, you’ll already be IN and have the training and guidance lined up through the rest of the HUB to take you to the next steps!

Q: Can I wait and join later?

A: Yes, you can, but no guarantees it will be at this same price! Get it while you can!

Q: I am not tech-savvy. Do I need a bunch of tools to make this work?

A: No, we keep it simple here! Although we DO encourage you to build your business with an open mind to embracing tech, learning it little by little, following our included tutorials and guides, as we know you’ll see more success in your business from this!

Q: When will I get access?

A: IMMEDIATELY! Once you pay and register, you’ll be automatically invited into the HUB – just keep an eye on your email and check the spam folder if you don’t see an immediate login details email!

Q: I’ve been trying to build my business as a health coach for awhile. Will I still find value?

A: Yes, the HUB provides direction (from a proven health-coach path) and LIVE peer and business coaching support 24/7 in the group! You’ll be all set in the HUB!

Q: Does this only work for Christian Health Coaches?

A: Although our training is specifically geared to Christian Health Coaches building an online business, other coaches have found answers, clarity, warmth, and support through it, as well! You’re all welcome here!

Q: How much support is included?

A: There is daily written support from Coach Bess & the coaching team included on weekdays, which means that you will get all your questions answered within our members-only support group within 1 day. We also hold a LIVE Q&A monthly and you’ll always know when that’s coming up!

Q: I don’t have my website or any social media platforms setup yet. Is that a problem?

A: No, you don’t have to! We’ll guide you through these decisions, help you save unnecessary spend on those things once you’re ready to begin building them, and even give peer feedback as you establish your platforms!

Q: Is there a money-back guarantee?

A: No, we do not offer refunds on this membership, but you CAN cancel at any time. I’m so confident you’ll be satisfied with the HUB that you won’t want to request a refund or cancel. 

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