How do we stay true to our unique calling and our own personality – in a noisy, overstimulating coaching world?


We want to learn from experts, be a part of community, and grow – but sometimes all the noise and constant ads and pressure to BUY, JOIN, SIGN UP and DO…just feels like TOO MUCH!

Have you ever felt this way? Chat with me about this in the comments below or in the Health Coaches on a Mission group on FB!

In the video below, I shared 4 strong tips with our Health Coaches on a Mission group to:

  • Help CUT THROUGH the CONFUSION out there

  • Remember and recommit to your unique calling

  • Move forward in your purpose – with clear direction and leaving all unnecessary “stuff” behind!

Here’s the tips I shared:


When he speaks direction to you, journal it! Document it! (Preferably in Drive, where it’s backed up and easy to return to later on to add to or read again or use in your work.)

Make it visual – put it up on your vision board, or make little post its with clips and bits of the things that He is saying to you all around your work space and even in the car or on the bathroom mirror.

When He gives you the business plan, document it clearly. Then, put it in a very easy-to-reach and re-read place.


Check in daily, weekly, even multiple times during the day. Be in prayer constantly with Him throughout the day, asking Him for divine guidance. Ask Him to shut the doors that you shouldn’t go in, and to open the doors that you should walk through. To show you who to reach out to. To show you who to listen to and allow as an influence in your business decisions.

#3 Seek the WORD OF GOD for Divine Business advice FIRST…

There are so many good books out there, so many good blogs and articles and podcasts…  BUT, we MUST use the “screening perspective” of the word of God to sift through what we are learning and ingesting, and in order to do that, we need to know what the word of God says.

#4 Embrace your own UNIQUE PERSONALITY and FLAVOR…

Be boldly, honestly, authentically YOU and watch as people are drawn to you because of it! Share bits and pieces of your behind-the-scenes with your audience. Share your life honestly, being open about imperfections and sharing real stories of struggles. But remember to always share those struggles in a hopeful, lifting way.

Speak from an “overcoming place” ….because that’s why you’re serving as an authority on the subject, you are an overcomer and you can show them how to overcome, too! You DO have the knowledge and gifting and qualifications to be doing what you’re doing, and you need to honestly share from that as well.

I hope this video and post have encouraged you!

It’s time for YOU TO SHINE in the UNIQUE role, anointing and purpose that God has given you.

You are welcome to connect with us and join in the discussion on this important topic right here in the group. I’d love to meet you and hear about what God has you doing in your ministry/business…I just know it’s powerful!
