I have a confession to make to you, coaches.

After over seven years of serving in this capacity (as a health coach and health coaching mentor) sometimes I get SO tired of talking, thinking, writing, calling, typing, creating, reading, learning, shopping, cooking, coaching….ABOUT HEALTH!!! OHMYGOODNESS!!! Soooooooo tired of it all sometimes. 

And in those moments, I ask God if He is “releasing me” from my calling because my energy in it is lagging, or I’m worn out, or I don’t want to help someone pronounce QUINOA (keen-wa) one more blessed time!

I swear in those moments I can feel God smile and shake His head at me…because sure enough, those are the moments where I’ll “stumble” on a quote or Scripture or prayer that talks about NOT. EVER. GIVING. UP. on what God has called me to…and I’ll just know that He is talking to the deep place inside of me that knows that this is not a “choice” I’ve made for a career … but rather a CALLING He has on me for ministry – a ministry bringing life to His kids…for His people, the people made in His image. {Last time I checked, that’s everyone!}

To be a vessel to anyone He places in my path who is looking for even a glimmer of hope for healing and wholeness in their lives! To be a light of joy and guidance in a lifestyle-change that is full of agenda-driven confusion in the healthy living marketplace, leaving busy mamas and caring Grandmas and concerned wives and stressed leaders all asking “well, what’s the use then?!”

OK, so I’ve established then that the decision to RUNNNNN or turn back or give up on this calling isn’t mine to make…yet, even when KNOWING this, HOW do I get my spark back when I’m talking about meal planning on a budget for the uummppteenth time? How do I find joy in the daily grind of emails, calls, administration, intense learning curve of JUST. ABOUT. EVERYTHING online?

How do I stay energetic emotionally & spiritually when I’m trying to be secretary, writer, publisher, photographer, cheerleader, marketing manager, website developer, graphic designer, tech geek … and EVERYTHING else all at once that is needed to run a “successful” business …oh and be homeschooling mom, wife, sister, neighbor, friend, daughter to aging parents … OK WHO HERE CAN RELATE SO FAR??!!

I know y’all are Jacks of ALL trades in your own busy, productive, operating-in-your-HOLY-CALLING lives!!!!

I have found “ways” to renew my spiritual and mental energy and passion…cuz when you’re in this business (especially serving-type roles, like coaching) a little while, YOU GOTTA!

For me, it takes intentionally “feeding of my spirit” with the WORD and books {Joyce Meyer, John Maxwell, Steven Furtick and MORE}

It takes DAILY worship playlists in my work space {Elevation Worship, Bethel Worship, Jenn & Brian Johnson, United, Natalie Grant, Jesus Culture, Mandisa, William McDowell, Yolanda Adams and MORE}

It takes PEOPLE to renew my energy – not just any people do that though – it takes sister-dreamers, a spouse with HUGE belief in me and support of me – it takes co-laborers offering help and encouragement (I would NOT still be in business without the sisterhood support system of FRESH Start’s Coaching Academy – WOULD NOT – PERIOD!)

It takes alone, restorative time with just God and me {usually in nature or backyard garden}

It takes meditation – REALLY sitting STILL to hear God speak.

It takes LOTS AND LOTS of smoothies and coffee…tee hee

I would love to hear your story – be honest with me here!



Do you get burned out? Stressed about all of it?

Ever get TIRED OF IT ALL and want to throw the vitamix through the window?

Do you ever want to call it good and GET OUT of the business altogether?

Share your experience here in the comments! I want to believe I am NOT the only one here who has felt this way or had this experience! Our calling is a unique one – we are a “different” kind of crowd – another reason we’ve GOT TO STICK TOGETHER!

What do you do to “feed your spirit” when you’re “dry?”

What do you do to “uplevel” the peeps around you who may or may not have your back in this crazy life-path you are on of not only LIVING a faith-filled, healthy-choices kind of life, but stretching yourself to TEACH and SHARE it too?!

Let’s chat, beautiful leader…I want to know I am NOT alone and I just got vulnerable with you and got REALLY REAL here! I can’t wait to have this conversation with you…talk to me!

Oh and for extra help…here are some tips I’ve shared here on the blog for preventing burn out as a health coach…
