Distraction is a real thing, ya’ll…it’s keeping us from being finishers and it’s frustrating our efforts as solopreneurs and coaches! But how do we change this when the distractions are everywhere?

Social media, notifications from our devices, emails, family members, errands to run, other stressors to deal with and difficulties to get through…the distractions can be endless!

But I want you to know – even when it feels like this often overwhelming problem of distraction won’t ever change, applying any of these 8 strategies will change this!

You can find a way to “tune in” your focus and truly become a finisher of the tasks you need to complete. You CAN finish projects, produce income, and sustain your work schedule. Over the years I’ve found a few ways to do this regularly…

Here’s the top 8 ways I’ve developed to tackle distraction and stay on focus:

#1 Know what you need to focus on!

First and foremost, you need to know when you sit down to work EXACTLY what you need to tackle, when. If you haven’t done this activity yet, sit down and dedicate a couple hours to business planning.

In the Christian Health Coach Academy, we call it a “Splatter List” and teach you how to do this planning activity regularly.

Here’s a brief version of how to do it: Fill out a sheet of paper (or a digital doc) with the goals you have for your business. (For example: Serve 20 clients this year, make $1k this month, build a strong online foundation for my business, create my website, etc)

Then sort the necessary activities to complete those goals – and plan them accordingly – first, looking at the hours you have available for activity in your week, then filling those slots with the actual tasks you’ll need to do (ie creating shareable content, posting on social media, posting blog post, appearing on podcasts, writing your book, creating your signature program, and more!)

{For my FULL FEATURED Business Planning training complete with workbook, go here.}

Once you have your “to-do” list put together, you’ll be able to slip into “focus mode” so much faster when you sit down to work because you know exactly what to get started on!

# 2 Turn off extra tabs/devices

This one is easy to do, but we often just don’t do it – shut down any active tabs you don’t need to be using (social media, email, other pages that send notifications) and only have open the ones you are using to actually tackle your tasks.

You can also set your phone to “Do Not Disturb” or use an app to silence those pesky distractions!

#3 Batch produce content or group similar tasks together

This one helps your brain “tune in” and focus on ONE task in front of you – so consider batch-producing your blog posts, videos, graphic creation, or social media scheduling. By having only one big thing in front of you for that “chunk” of time, your brain is not jumping between different things. And now, with all the scheduling capabilities of websites, social media, and email vendors, this only makes sense!

#4 Bathe your work time and focus in God’s presence

Before you sit down to work, spend some time talking with God, meditating and grounding yourself in His Word, or listening to something life-giving. I do this while I’m getting ready for the day in my bathroom – I’ve got a motivational video playing, or a short sermon going, or I listen to worship from my phone as I shower and pray.

Once you sit down to work, play focus-friendly music in the background – worship, gospel, or instrumental is always good!

#5 Use the Pomodoro method

I swear by the Pomodoro or another method that utilizes a timer for 25+ minutes, then to designate a break for 5 or so. Before you know it, this will be a habit, and you’ll find it strange to just willy-nilly work anymore! If you worked for someone else, you’d have designated work times, and breaks. Why not do this for ourselves?

Here’s a video training on the Pomodoro method I filmed for our coaches from a previous mastermind group. Enjoy!

#6 Delegate any distractions you can to others (or plan/prep them ahead of work time!)

Am I alone in this one? I’m trying to focus on my business tasks, and I’m completely distracted by the nagging thought “What should I make for dinner tonight? Ooohhh but did I take anything out of the freezer for it?”

Meal plan and prep can be a productivity tool like nothing else! PLUS you get to munch on ready-to-go healthy food all week long without hassle or extra cost!

Over the weekend, you can make some simple food ahead of time. For instance, boil a few eggs, make up a batch of smoothie bags ready to blend, and grill some chicken and salmon for wraps, salads, quickie lunches and veggie and pasta dishes. This post contains much more detail on how to do a weekly meal plan & prep here.

OR, if this isn’t your strength, try one of the dinner meal services, like Dinnerly or Hello Fresh. You can always try them out at an introductory discount to see if you find them helpful.

Tasks that can be delegated out or prepped ahead of time:

  • Cooking (I believe in getting our family in on the meal planning and prep – both for our sanity and for them to “buy into” the process of making healthy food to eat!)

  • Cleaning (Think of the cleaning service as your team member or employee of sorts!)

  • Laundry (this is something young kids can even help with!)

  • Grocery Shopping (you can order through their online service and have someone pick them up for you or even have them delivered!)

  • Errands

Empower your family members and/or significant other to be “power team members” on your winning team! This is your BUSINESS and you are a serious business owner. You need support and help to truly turn a profit in this venture!

#7 Develop healthy habits in your daily life to boost your energy and feed your brain!

This will help you stay on track and focused through empowering your PHYSICAL abilities! If you are not taking good care of your body and brain, you will struggle to sustain this business in the long run. You don’t just want a good first year, you want a good CAREER!

So make self-care a priority in your business. Develop daily habits that support your energy and mental health needs. I share more in-depth ideas for solo-preneur self-care in this post here.

Some examples of energy-giving habits to keep daily:

Drink lemon water

Drink a nutrient-packed homemade Smoothie (recipe!)

Get plenty of undistracted sleep

Take a supplement called “Focus Factor” (I find it affordably at Costco and swear by it)

Get as much sunshine and fresh air as you can

Work out or at least do a functional fitness activity before work time (ideally)

Eat lean protein, fibrous foods, and healthy fats together (I call this a power-combo, because when eaten together, these foods pack an energy-giving punch!)

Of course, this is not by any means a full list – add the habits you’ve found to fuel your body and mind in our comments below – let’s share our ideas with each other!

One last thing to help you remain focused to pursue your business goals and apply yourself to the tasks at hand…

#8 Play motivating mind games with yourself

Some days, all the ideas I’ve given above in this article still just aren’t enough and I have to take it a step further to get back on focus.

I tell myself, “When I finish this task, I can have a fresh cup of tea or coffee!” or “When I accomplish this, I can go for a walk with fur babies” or “Once this is done, I can do BLANK fun activity!”

And believe it or not, it often works!

I know, I sound like a kid (and I still am – at heart!) but it works!

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What do you find works for you, my friend? I’d love to hear your experience with distractions, the need to focus and how you beat this challenge…drop me a comment here OR come on over to our free support group on FB called Health Coaches on a Mission.

Let’s chat about it, get focused together, and take our business to the next level this year! TIME FOR GROWTH!

Believing in YOU,

~ Coach Bess 
