You are anxious to start serving clients – you’ve even started sharing from your passion and expertise on social media on the daily.

So what gives? Why aren’t the clients pouring in? 

You may have a few missing pieces in your “Mission Map” as we call it here in the Christian Health Coach Community. Let’s see if we can get those gaps filled in and get you on your way to coaching a practice full of happy, successful clients!

Here’s a checklist of the 5 things you need to have in place to start coaching. 

Now, this is NOT a comprehensive list, by far. There’s more… you’ll add them as you grow and figure out what works best for you. These are just the bare-boned basics and will at least help you determine if you have a basic path in place for your prospective clients to follow into your practice.

#1 A page on your website with your Coaching Packages & rates

(BONUS – an additional page of your services a la carte – like, pantry assessments, grocery shopping tours, FRESH Checks, etc)

How is your reader (who is prayerfully soon-to-be-your-client) supposed to know you can help them if you don’t say HOW or for how much, or in what setting? Having a clearly-stated, openly-rated list of your WAYS YOU HELP THEM SOLVE THEIR PROBLEM is the first step to this!

Worry about “perfecting” this later on – for now, look into the competitive rates that others in your area are charging. Then, formulate your “hourly rate” you are comfortable charging, and turn your service offerings into attractive packages or a la carte services for your page. Clearly stated pricing is always helpful, with payment buttons placed next to the packages or items.

#2 Testimonials from past or practice clients – with their profile pictures if possible!

(Preferably placed on the listing/page or on a dedicated testimonials page.)

This will give you credibility and show the readers/interested potential client that you help your clients GET RESULTS! Keep in mind, this can even be people you’ve peer-coached, if that’s necessary as you get started.

When I first started my business, I offered 3 spots for a “scholarship” coaching program with me, and it was 6 weeks long. They only had to fill out an interest form I created on the free tool Survey Monkey. I then prayed over the submissions, and asked God to show me who to choose from them.

Then, they signed a simple pledge to participate fully and give me a testimonial upon completion. It worked! They gave me input to greatly improve my practice and program, and I gave them all I had to give. They found successes and I found confidence and testimonials to use on my website! Just an idea if you currently need effective success stories to use in your practice.

#3 A way to take payment upon closing your client into the coaching program.

You can have a payment button right there on the services/coaching page – or you can handle it less “automatically” and take payments through another way (like an app.)

I always suggest using Stripe or Paypal (or both!) as a fully automated, record-keeping vendor – adds to the professionalism of your business and the minimal fees are a write-off.

ALWAYS try to get full payment for the full program up front (adds accountability and a reason to “finish it” for the client) I do this by offering a small BONUS or discount for full payment up front. If I offer a payment plan due to requests or to make it more realistic for the client, I peg on a service fee (you are delivering the work, but waiting on payment – a minimal 5-10% or so fee is understandable and good business sense.)

#4 You need a “general outline” of a step-by-step plan you can lead your clients through, as a template

Though working with clients on individual plans is necessary – you still need to have a general “outline” you can follow to take them through their habit change journey. One that works as a template no matter what you are working on together.

So for instance, mine looks like this:

Meeting 1 – we take an assessment, set goals together, set up regular date/time for upcoming meetings

Meeting 2 – we go over what was accomplished or overcome or added (celebrate!) then we set next week’s goals (no more than 3, and always set them in behaviors or choices – something the client can control no matter what life throws at them! Then I send them an email summary of our call, their goals and celebrations, and an inspiration.

Meeting 3 and so on – similar to meeting 2 – summarize last week’s accomplishments & celebrations, and work through the challenges that arose. Set up a 3-step action plan for the upcoming week and then send any necessary resources the client needs in a summary email.

Repeat this process over through the length of the coaching program. Document testimonials, celebrations to share with your community as a testimony of your work as a partner coach, and to “brag on” your client! (Of course, only with their permission.)

And the final resource you need in your Coach Toolbox…

#5 Close communication with the Holy Spirit to lead you intuitively in this oh-so-important role of coaching.

I know, this isn’t something you DO or setup, this is something you FLOW IN. How is your communication with your heavenly Father, do you feel like you hear Him speak and lead you?

This is the greatest “tool” you can have in your coaching toolbox!

There is no way I’d dare to do such important work with people in their lives without the power of the Holy Spirit handling the tough stuff. From biz decisions I need guidance on to the conversations I hold with others (whether through chat, blog posts, social media or voice!) I NEED Him to guide me each step of the way.

What do you think – which of these do you need to set up or put into action in your business Mission Map?

Do you find any of these to be a challenge?

If you’d like more direct training & support as you build your coaching business, consider joining us in the next Christian Health Coach Academy. It’s a powerful way to have access to business-building training, and be warmly supported as you pursue a Christian Coaching Business.

Come see what you’re missing!

Christian Health and Wellness Coaching Certification