Let’s talk about how to work with an ACCOUNTABILITY partner in our business!  

Over the years, I found that there are many types of accountability in our businesses: small groups, masterminds, a business coach, study groups… but I also found that when I “stumbled into” an anointed, blessed accountability relationship with my business friend Angela over a year ago, that making a commitment to be accountable often to her (and her to me!) turned my business around in a few short months. It’s now TWICE as profitable as before, and I find that I’m more effective with my biz time than before.

She’s not a health coach, but she is an online business owner that I “fit” well with – both in personality, but also in our core values. Someone I can share my specific business goals and time frames for the goals with. And she shares hers with me – and then we hold each other to it! All of this without the time-waste of long, drawn-out conversations – we actually only get on Zoom together about 1-2 times a quarter. Most of our accountability-holding is done through those daily texts!

Although this accountability partnership was one of the BEST business decisions I’ve made, the key has been in developing a quarterly, monthly, and even daily check-in system with her that didn’t feel overwhelming, but actually WORKED. Then, keeping our communication lines open (Angela is as good at communication and clear expectations as I am – so this part has not been a trial in our case.)

Here’s our planning and check-in method: 

We set a deadline for our bigger goals, and then decide what the smaller, step-by-step tasks to reach those bigger goals are. Then, we share those smaller goals with one another in a Drive Doc or email. 

Each workday, we’re texting each other at the start of the day with the top 2-3 things we’re working on or wanting to accomplish. At the end of each day, we check back in on a quick text with what was accomplished, and our feelings about the day. (Some days we miss, and so we decided early on to not stay in guilt or wasted emotion over it – we just pick right back up the next day!)

At the end of the set time for our bigger goals (we usually work in 90 day chunks) we text one another to check in and let each other know how we did on the “big guys!” 



1. It’s important to do this with someone who will actually firmly hold you accountable to your goals, cheering you on while you’re completing them, and NOT putting up with excuses when you’re not.

Someone who is gracious about the “flow” needed in this often chaotic life of an entrepreneur! A true balance of grace and strength is needed, because over the years I’ve had accountability partners who let me “get away” with not following through on things. On the other hand, there were others who didn’t show compassion when “life” got difficult or too much in the way of the biz goals.

2. Set your goal deadlines in advance.

Then stick to them. For instance, you can do weekly, monthly, or even quarterly time frames. Then, establish a realistic check-in process for your needs and lifestyle. Daily or every other day is best, but not always realistic. (Remember though: always give yourself and your accountability buddy a grace space if there’s a redirect or goals are not quite met as expected.)

3. Decide ahead of time how OFTEN you’ll check in with one another.

Both for the BIG GOALS progress and the seemingly small, but oh-so-necessary, day to day ones. If you’re on a monthly time frame, will you check in once a week with one another or only at the end of the month? Or if you’re working on a quarterly deadline, will you have monthly meetings to discuss the progress or challenges?

4. Decide ahead of time HOW you’ll communicate back and forth.

Remember, you don’t want to create another time-drain that keeps you from actually DOING the things you need to do. For my accountability partner and I, it’s best that we text one another so as not to spend extra time on the phone when it’s not necessary. Then, we meet every other month or so on a lengthier Zoom to plan, set goals, bond, laugh, vent, and generally lift each other up through all our “stuff” as we pursue our calling and business goals!

5. If this is a desire of yours, pray for your God-given Accountability Partner

And then follow through when He leads you to them, and follow through on the day-to-day extra commitment this relationship will entail. Communicate clearly with the other person – make sure you both are clear on the expectations, hopes and grace-space you’ll have for each other.

Have a contingency plan if the decided-upon check-ins aren’t happening – what is the predetermined plan between you both if this happens? (And it CAN happen!) What will this agreement include – and will you both be released if there’s a reason to? You definitely want to follow the lead of the Holy Spirit in this area, but still have some wise plans in place if you experience it.

In closing…

Overall, my business (and my sanity) has been incredibly blessed by the accountability relationship I have with Angela, though in the beginning, it could sometimes feel like  “another task” on the to-do list. It never feels that way once we check-in with each other, though. The excitement and motivation for the day’s work rise up as soon as I see her name pop up on my text thread.

I now count her as one of my best friends, too, as this relationship has brought our sister-entrepreneur hearts closer through all the ups and downs we have seen each other through. She even traveled to Arizona where I live last year to spend a few days with me. We celebrated our accomplishments and also took time to plan our next couple quarters of business goals in person.

We had a wonderful time! We worked on our goals/tasks and plans together, visited the beautiful mountains here for some nature therapy, and enjoyed some R&R too – a nice dinner out, fun girls night in a hotel room for late-night chatting, and even a wonderful massage together at a local place here!


It was a powerful time and we’re planning another in-person connection this year. I’m excited!

I’d love to hear about your personal experience or if you have the desire for accountability in this area of your business … join the LIVE conversation happening about this in our Community!

If you are looking for a like-minded group of business builders, and maybe even connecting with your next Accountability Partner, join us in the Success Circle this year! We have accountability threads happening there PLUS awesome opportunities to bond with your peers in a closer way.
